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近日禽流感 ("avian influenza") 在世界各地蔓延,大家似乎對禽鳥都敬而遠之。說到英語中,bird 這個字有不好涵義的倒有不少:糊塗沒腦的人可以譏之為bird-brain,"It's strictly for the birds." 則指無稽之談。利用不同禽鳥的特性來影射兩腳動物,是英語常用的技巧,例如膽小鬼叫 chicken,收入微薄稱為chickenfeed;愛自我炫耀的人叫peacock,在鬧著玩的稱為on a lark。現在就看看大家對禽鳥的認識有多深。

Take a gander at the following list to find out appropriate birds that match the 10 definitions given below. Don't quail or duck this challenge. Feather your nest with all the correct answers you can, and you'll really have something to crow about:

grouse hawk hen owl parrot

cuckoo dodo eagle goose swan

1. supporter of war

2. a stupid person

3. dominated by one's wife - ___pecked

4. having sharp eyesight - ____-eyed

5. repeat another's words

6. cook one's ____

7. one who stays up late - night ____

8. a crazy person

9. complain regularly or repeatedly

10. somebody's last work - ____ song


上期語文天地答案:(1) Now (2) Enclosed (3) Because/Due to (4) Regarding (5) If (6) Although he called (7) We realized that (8) We have considered (9) We have decided not to attend (10) How can we deal with these problems?

得獎者 : Lee Ying-wa (CTPB)、杜國榮(東九龍總區總部)、陳國麗(毒品調查科)


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