New KM Champions appointed

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Knowledge Management (KM) has been developing in the Force for the past few years, and Force members are able to gather some job-related information through the KM Portal and the POINT search engine. However, the essence of KM is not limited to information provision - it also encourages sharing and exchanging of Force knowledge in a more systematic and timely manner. In the future, the Force KM System will not only cover uploading of messages and information, but also pursue a more effective online platform for knowledge exchange and sharing among Force members.

In a bid to promote knowledge sharing activities within the Force, the KM Champion Scheme was introduced in 2006, whereby Force members, who have drive, passion and experience to develop and foster innovation and a culture of knowledge sharing within the Force, are appointed as champions in their related fields, to lead, motivate and support Force KM activities and initiatives.

The Police College has just appointed and reappointed a group of four KM Champions to consolidate and further develop KM initiatives under their respective domains, namely Chief Superintendent Jacob Cheung Tak-keung for Practice & Experience Acquisition Kiosk (Lessons Learnt), Senior Superintendent Alfred Wong Sui-fat for Practice & Experience Acquisition Kiosk (Good Practices), Superintendent Eric Cheng Tak-ming for Peer Advisor Scheme and Superintendent Johnny Chung Pui-sing for Collaboration Forum. Their tenure will last for two years.

To mark this memorable moment, the Police College organised a ceremony at PHQ on December 15 for its Director, Dr Albert Cheuk Chun-yin, to present appointment certificates to all four KM Champions.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Cheuk said: "Force KM has achieved some tangible results after several years of implementation, whereby our colleagues are accustomed to obtaining job-related information through POINT. We're now looking into other improvement areas such as enhancing the portal search engine, encouraging and facilitating knowledge sharing activities, and building a knowledge sharing culture. It is expected that, in the not too distant future, our colleagues can search and retrieve information more quickly and effectively through the KM Portal. On the other hand, through the appointed KM Champions, Force members will share their experience and knowledge in a timely manner."

"KM is seen as a vehicle to facilitate and supplement training and development functions, and plays a significant role in supporting all frontline officers. In the long term, as a learning organisation, KM will assist the Force in pursuing excellence in policing performance," Dr Cheuk added.

The future plans of the Champion teams include:

PEAK - Lessons Learnt

Wash-up notes, summaries and after-action reviews related to police operations will be captured, organised, uploaded and archived under POWER (Police Working Experience Repository), so that Force members can make reference to these cases for planning similar operations, with a view to enhancing efficiency and keeping avoidable mistakes under control. In the future, Lessons Learnt will be extended to cover more police formations, and a user-friendlier template for uploading lessons learnt will be introduced in order to capture and share precise information in a timely and efficient manner.

PEAK - Good Practices

Good Practices (GPs) and Areas for Improvement identified in Service Quality Wing Inspection Reports will be captured and uploaded to POWER for wider circulation. Apart from developing a simplified information-sharing electronic template, relevant KM best practices in both the public and private sectors will be captured to enhance the Force KM Portal and shared via the GP platform.

Peer Advisor Scheme (PAS)

The PAS webpage maintains the details and a contact list of Peer Advisors who are recognised for their knowledge and experience in different fields, such as Public Order Policing, Crowd Management, Rural Policing, Miscellaneous Enquiries and Deception. In the coming years, the scope of knowledge domains will be extended to reflect the ever-changing and complicated nature of police work. In addition, Peer Advisors will regularly reach out to provide face-to-face sharing in small groups, called Knowledge Cafe.

Collaboration Forum

Online sharing platform will be allotted to Force members of special interest groups or doing a similar job for exchanging knowledge, problems and stories. A new intranet-sharing platform is being studied, which may allow Force members to engage in online discussions, and share and exchange job-related knowledge and experience.

Moreover, the Police College's Research Centre will start publishing a monthly "KM e-newsletter" next month to provide updates on KM activities, portal usage tips and other related information. The launch date will be announced on the Force NoticeBoard in due course.

Force member having any suggestion about the Force KM System may contact Chief Inspector Frederic Choi Chin-pang of the Research Centre (2860-4148; or Knowledge Management Officer Justin Tse Chun-ting (2860-2392;

Police College Director Cheuk Chun-yin is pleased that KM has achieved tangible results over the past few years

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