New KM Ambassadors get induction training |
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More than 50 officers appointed by the Director of the Police College either as Peer Advisers or Knowledge Management (KM) Administrators received their first induction training at the Aberdeen Foundation Training Centre on August 3. All of them aspired to make a difference and prepared themselves as Ambassadors of the Force KM system. This was the first specifically designed training programme for the voluntary KM cadre, aiming at equipping them with the general understanding of KM concept, its development in the Force, as well as practical tips for facilitating knowledge-centric discussion. In his opening address, Acting Deputy Director of the Police College, Mr Vincent Yeung, told the participants: "It's vital to develop KM in the Force to store and transfer tacit knowledge in a more systematic way. This will not only help the Force to sustain our high quality services, but also benefit every Force member as a whole." To stimulate the interest and realise the genuine potential of KM, Professor Eric Tsui of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was invited to share the stories of how KM was implemented in the public and private sectors, as well as the lessons learned during the process. Participating in the programme, three KM Champions, Chief Superintendent Jacob Cheung, Chief Superintendent Alfred Wong, and Superintendent Eric Cheng, gave the newly joined officers considerable encouragement by sharing their own stories on KM journey. The event reached a climax at the Knowledge Cafe session, when all Peer Advisers and KM Administrators brainstormed and shared their passion and vision for the future development of KM. Being the Ambassadors of the Force KM, all Peer Advisers and KM Administrators are now ready to contribute and publicise the latest KM initiatives and activities at their workplaces. More stories of the KM induction training will be covered in the coming KM e-Newsletter (K-life) later this month (Intranet Path: POINT -> POWER -> K-life). |
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