Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)


The issuance of Certificates of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) is a charged service provided by the Hong Kong Police Force which is solely in connection with a person's application for various types of visa, such as visit, student or resident visa, or for adoption of children. Applications for the Certificate for any other purposes will not be accepted.

What’s New

  • The CNCC service has launched the online application. We recommend the applicants to submit application online.


  • To submit CNCC application, you must bring along the following documents:
    • a completed application form (online applicant only requires to fill in the application form on the Online Applications Platform);
    • a signed fingerprint consent form;
    • Standard personal data form (Only required for visa applications) (Optional);
    • Hong Kong Identity (HKID) card / valid Travel Document;
    • The request letter from the relevant Consulate / Immigration Authority / Government Authority which contains the applicant’s name and clearly indicates that the production of the Certificate is required. There should also be a POSTAL ADDRESS of the relevant Consulate / Immigration Authority / Government Authority since the application result will be directly sent to them by registered mail;
    • The documents proving the applicant’s relationship with the “visa principal applicant” for the application. (Only required if the request letter only mentioned the name of the principal applicant and does not contain the applicant’s own name)
    • A full set of the applicant’s fingerprints taken by law enforcement agency / Consulate where the applicant presently resides. (Only applicable to applicant outside Hong Kong. For details, please refer to the Notes to Applicants outside Hong Kong. ); and
    • Processing fee of HK$283 per person

Application Method(Online Application / Apply in Person / By Post)

Online Application (Available since 16 December 2024 10:00 a.m.)
How to Sign Up for ‘Digital Services Logon’ Account Instructional video
Click here to enter the Online Applications Platform Instructional video

Apply in Person at the CNCC office (Appointment is required)
Click here to enter the Online Booking System

(“iAM Smart” or “iAM Smart +” is required to login the system to make the appointment)
Instructional video

Submitted by Post (Only applicable to Applicant outside Hong Kong)
Applications should be submitted by post to:
The Commissioner of Police
(Attn.: EO CNCC)
14/F, Arsenal House,
Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

  • Fingerprint Taking Service
    This office provides free Fingerprint Taking Service for the public. If you are not applying for the CNCC whereas you only require assistance from the police to obtain a set of fingerprints for application of police check of overseas countries, please visit the CNCC office for the service. Members of the public must book an appointment through the Online Booking System (OBS). Those without an appointment will not be processed. Please refer to question 19 of “Frequently Asked Questions” of our webpage.


CNCC office Address 14/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone • For enquiry about application matters (e.g. documents required), please call 2860 6557
• If you use online application and require technical support (e.g. failed to upload document), please call 8226 1886
Email cncc-enquiries@police.gov.hk
Fax 2200 4321