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I am writing to express our (my friend and I) big thank to Tsang Sir and the PC on duty at the front desk the day we reported our case in North Point Police Station on June 14, 2013.
Tsang Sir and the PC were both really helpful and nice when my friend and I felt extremely helpless. Especially Tsang Sir was very professional and helpful throughout the whole investigation and the follow-up case. He did make a real effort to understand our situation and to think about all the possible alternatives that may help to deal with our case.
Though our case seemed to be a lot less serious and urgent than others, we were both very impressed with his professionalism and his attitude towards work.
Once again, we would like to express our deepest gratefulness to Tsang Sir. Without him, our case would not have been solved and settled so ideally. Please Kindly pass our Thank You to Tsang Sir and all the other Police officers who had helped us at different stages of our case.
Ms Chu
(Editor's note: the officers praised in this letter is PC Tsang Hip-chor from DIT 1 EDIST)
● English Version Only