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With the arrangement made by Police College, Chief Inspector (CIP) Wong Shun-shing led a delegation of two Senior Inspectors, two Sergeants and five Police Constables to visit the Depot Division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from October 6 to 12. The study themes of the visit were Family and Relationship Violence, Aboriginal Communities, and Youth, the last two themes being among the five strategic priorities of the RCMP.
Mr Gerry Gourlay, Acting Commanding Officer of the Depot Division, greeted the delegation.  By coincidence, a training troop of the academy graduated on the first day of the visit and the delegation was invited to attend the graduation parade. CIP Wong was also given the honour of inspecting the graduating troop at the parade.  
Throughout the visit, the delegation gained an insight into their study themes and the basic training programmes of the RCMP. The delegation also spent a day in an aboriginal community, observing how the RCMP and the community work together to reduce crimes.
The RCMP has approximately 28,000 employees, including police officers, civilian members and public service employees.  The Depot Division, situated at Regina, which is the provincial capital of Saskatchewan, is the training academy of the RCMP.
RCMP top brass meet the delegation members
RCMP top brass meet the delegation members