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The Henry Shield Relay Race took place at Aberdeen Reservoir Country Park on October 8, ushering in this year's running season. Attracting more than 300 runners and 80 teams of runners from different formations, the event went off smoothly under early autumn breeze and with the cheering from supporters.
Runners of the 1st leg took off swiftly from the starting point right after Western District Commander Choy Wise fired the gun to signal the start of the race. Director of Operation Wong Chi-hung was present to cheer on the runners and to present trophies to the winning teams.
For the third time in a row, Police Constable (PC) Lai Hok-yan from Operation Wings captured the title of Men's Fastest Leg Open with a good time of 11 minutes 54 seconds. The title of Ladies Fastest Leg went to Acting SGT Tsang Yiu-ying from Police College.
There was hot contest for the title of the "Overall Fastest Team" between Police Tactical Unit Headquarters (PTU HQ) and Operations Wing (CTRU), and the winner was only decided until the very end of the race. While the last leg runners from both teams returned to the finishing line almost at the same time, PTU HQ was faster than OPS Wing (CTRU) by 0.01 second and crossed the finishing line with a remarkable time of 49 minutes 48 seconds.
The Chairman of the Police Athletics Club, Chief Superintendent Cheng Kwok-hung, thanked helpers from Police Football Referee Club, Physical Training Instructors from Police College, PTU and the Auxiliary Medical Service for their support and assistance for the race.
Below is the results:
Categories Winner
A. HKI Region C DIST
B. KE & KW Region KC DIST
E. Special / Training Unit PTU HQ
F. Ladies Team HKPC
G. Men's Senior PTU HQ
H. Men's Masters PTU HQ

PC Lai receives a cup from Mr Wong
PC Lai receives a cup from Mr Wong