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Senior Superintendent (SSP) Lee Kiu-ki, Chief Inspector (CIP) Lok Wai-lurk and Police Constable (PC) Chan Wan-lung representing Key Points and Search Division (KPS) attended the Shanghai International Police Education Symposium from October 22 to 24 at the invitation of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.
The symposium invited academics and police trainers from Australia, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan and United States as well as representatives from Mainland provinces to discuss the developments in police education and vocational training.  
During their presentations, CIP Lok and PC Chan shared their experiences of developing training programmes on search and venue security and professionalism in training system.  They also took the opportunity to exchange views and share best practices with their Mainland counterparts as well as scholars and trainers from overseas.  
SSP Lee pointed out that the symposium not only enhanced the communication between the Mainland and the Force, but also elevated each other's standard of police education and training. He hoped that, more importantly, the symposium would raise the standard of professional training in search and security screening to meet the requirements of international conferences and sports events.
Members of the Search Cadre share search and venue security training with Mainland officers
Members of the Search Cadre share search and venue security training with Mainland officers