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Congratulations to International Police Association (IPA) Hong Kong Section on winning the International Cultural Commission Video Competition 2012.  The goal of the competition is to obtain high quality videos from a wide variety of IPA sections, and then select parts of the videos to produce an information video on the IPA for distribution to all sections as a promotional and recruiting aid. The information video will be placed on IPA's International Administration Centre website. 
The 12-minute video clip submitted by IPA Hong Kong Section gives a brief introduction of the Force's history and illustrates the transitional changes of simply law enforcement in 1960s to today's community policing using advanced technology and offering quality services.  Through four different police stories on solving a neighbourhood dispute, handling a traffic accident, and providing services to members of the public and tourists, the video clip shows how Force members displayed professionalism and caring in their daily chores.   
With preparation starting in 2011 and the assistance given by more than 60 IPA Hong Kong Section members, the video clip eventually beat other IPA sections to capture the championship.  
The International Executive Council Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark, between September 17 and 22 announced the results of the competition. About 150 representatives from over 60 IPA sections attended this annual event. The Treasurer, Mr Aubrey So, and the Webmaster, Mr Kelvin Yung, attended the conference on behalf of the Hong Kong Section.
In the five-day conference, professional knowledge, experience and cultures were exchanged and friendship was promoted. Hong Kong delegates also forged a worldwide network with other IPA members and projected the Force's image in good light. 
Aubrey So (left) and Kelvin Yung attend the International Executive Council Conference
Aubrey So (left) and Kelvin Yung attend the International Executive Council Conference