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Road Safety Council (RSC), Police Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) and Traffic New Territories North (T NTN) are carrying out a series of publicity activities until December this year to remind the public not to drive after drinking, especially during festive seasons.
On October 27, RSC, TBHQ and T NTN kicked off the Anti-drink Driving Campaign 2013 and a Road Safety Carnival in Tai Po, with Chairman of the Road Safety Campaign Committee, Dr Eric Cheng, Acting New Territories North Regional Commander Paul Lau, and TBHQ Chief Superintendent Paul Stripp officiating. 
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr Cheng pointed out that tackling drink driving was one of the main goals of the RSC, adding that the RSC had been working closely with police in deterring the offence with publicity and education. Police would continue stepping up enforcement action against the offence during festive seasons, he reminded the public.
Another joint effort by Traffic Headquarters and RSC
Another joint effort by Traffic Headquarters and RSC