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Hong Kong Island Regional Crime Prevention Office (RCPO) has been extending the promotion of a "Deception Alertness Through Caring" publicity programme to young people since June this year, and publicity activities have won the support of many schools.  
The messages on prevention of street and phone scams were conveyed to students through seminars held in schools. After the seminars, students pledged to help disseminate the messages to their relatives, elders, and friends as volunteers. To help the students with this volunteer service, RCPO officers staged dramas at the seminars to illustrate the prevailing deception cases. 
When the student volunteers return forms signed by their elders, relatives or friend, indicating that they had received the messages, the volunteers will be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the police. On October 17, RCPO HKI held a ceremony to present the certificates to over 100 student volunteers. 
Many schools support the anti-deception initiative
Many schools support the anti-deception initiative