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The 90th Kowloon Scout Group celebrated its 50th Anniversary at Police Sports and Recreation Club on September 22. Established in 1963, the scout group is funded by the Police Welfare Fund to encourage the children of police officers to participate in scouting activities. 
At the beginning, the scout group comprised only boy scouts with three sections and over the years has developed into a mixed gender scout group with five sections, namely Rover Scout, Venture Scout, Scout, Cub Scout and Grasshopper Scout.
Attending the celebration as a guest of honour, Acting Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) So Kam-tong addressed the gathering and presented certificates of appreciation to the Leaders for organising the event. The Group Leader, Mr Wong Pak-chung, accepted the certificates on behalf of all Leaders. Mr So also presented awards to the best member of each section.
The District Commissioner of Sham Shui Po West of Scout Association of Hong Kong, Mr Wong Man-fai, presented awards to the champion teams of scout camping tournaments and the Chief Scout's Award.
Following the awards presentation, members of the Cub Scout and Grasshopper Scout gave a singing performance while scout members staged a drama on scouting.
While the old boys shared their memories of the 90th Kowloon Group, many treasured items were on display at the event venue, including a camping zone set by scouts, the trophies won by the  Scout Group, exhibition boards introducing the activities of the five sections and a three-metre "Pyramid Tower" constructed by venture scouts. The display impressed the guests on the history of the scout group. 
The scouts and guests pose for a memorable occasion
The scouts and guests pose for a memorable occasion