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To mark its 30th anniversary, the Psychological Services Group (PSG) is organising a symposium titled "Positive Individuals, Positive Organisations" from November 21 to 22 in the Auditorium at Police Headquarters.
The symposium will consist of three major events: 
1. Conference on "Promoting Psychological Well-being in Disciplined Settings in Hong Kong" for the whole day on October 21.
2. Management Development Programme on "Positive Individuals in a Positive Organisation" in the afternoon on October 22.
3. Public Lecture on "The Science and Practice of Happiness" in the evening on October 22.
A leading international authority in positive psychology, Prof Sonja Lyubomirsky, has been invited to be one of the keynote speakers in the conference.  The conference is the first of its kind held in Hong Kong, getting different disciplined departments together to discuss and share their experiences in providing psychological support to their staff.  
The public lecture will be another highlight, with Prof Lyubomirsky offering the audience practical guides on how to become happier with scientific data and research findings. Those wishing to become happier as an individual, more resilient towards challenges and attain long-term personal growth should not miss this opportunity.  Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. 
Interested parties may contact psg-gr@police.gov.hk or call 2866-6207 for reservation.