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Assistant Commissioner (Crime) John Ribeiro hosted the Annual Crime Wing Liaison Reception for its strategic partners at Police Headquarters on November 29. Attending the reception were over 600 guests from the Mainland, overseas law enforcement agencies, local consulates, finance community and other government departments. Among them were 30 instructors and overseas representatives participating in two INTERPOL training courses in Hong Kong.
Joining the guests were Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung and Senior Directorate Group members. 
Welcoming the guests, Mr Ribeiro said the reception provided an opportunity for Crime Wing officers to meet old friends and make new acquaintances. In the age of Internet, crimes and criminals knew no borders, and it was essential for local and international law enforcement agencies to work together to combat transnational crimes, he added. 
Mr Ribeiro also took the opportunity to thank the guests for supporting the Force in maintaining Hong Kong as a safe city with a low crime rate over the years. 
The reception was complete with displays by Crime Wing bureaux on their successful cases and liaison with local and overseas law enforcement agencies over the years. 
Mr Ribeiro thanks his strategic partners for their support over the years
Mr Ribeiro thanks his strategic partners for their support over the years