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The Hong Kong International Airport conducted a large-scale Aircraft Crash and Rescue Exercise on November 27 to test contingency plans and the capabilities of government departments, police formations and airlines in handling an aircraft crash with leak of a radioactive substance.
Exercise at Airport
The exercise simulated an aircraft crashed on the runway upon landing, causing 90 casualties and radiation leak. The Airport Emergency Centre was activated immediately and officers of Airport District (APTDIST) immediately set up at the scene ingress and egress points for emergency vehicles, Assembly Point, and the Triage Area where first-aid and medical assessment were given to survivors.
Meanwhile, Airport Security Unit officers in hazmat suits, together with firemen, immediately cordoned off the scene and evacuated the passengers and cabin crew to a safe area, from where they were sent to different hospitals for medical treatment.  
The Airport Fire Station then set up temporary decontamination facilities in the Apron. Uninjured passengers and cabin crew were escorted to the Passenger Reception Centre, where they were cleared by Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department and taken for debriefing by Crime officers.  
Over 700 staff members from various units, including Airport Authority, Civil Aviation Department, Department of Health and Hospital Authority, participated in the exercise.
ISPS Exercise
As part of the Force's commitment to protecting facilities under the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, the Force conducted an exercise on November 20. 
To comply with the ISPS Code, the Force conducts annual exercises at each Code location to test response and fine-tune contingency plans.
The Small Boat Division with its Maritime Emergency Response Team, Counter Terrorism (CT) Response Unit, and Security Department of the public facility participated in the exercise, with Marine North Division (MNDIV) taking overall command.    
Speaking at the conclusion of the exercise, Divisional Commander MNDIV Bradley Wright said the exercise underscored the proactive, serious and professional attitude the Force takes towards its commitment to protecting ISPS facilities as well as its role in CT response. As Hong Kong is a major global shipping port, the security of ISPS facilities can hardly be underestimated and Marine Region is fully committed to ensuring Hong Kong remains a safe and secure port, he added.
The joint exercise covers many aspects of an air crash rescue operation
The joint exercise covers many aspects of an air crash rescue operation
Some of the officers taking part in the ISPS exercise
Some of the officers taking part in the ISPS exercise