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Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ), in conjunction with Transport Division and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, set up the first Mobile Breath Test Centre (BTC) on December 13 with a view to boosting capability to combat drink driving.
The centre is located inside a police vehicle modified from a former Regional Mobile Command Unit, complete with an evidential breath test (EBT) device and new Drager Alcotest 9510 for conducting EBT instantly at the roadside. The mobile BTC has been painted with the anti-drink driving slogan in English and Chinese, "If you drink, don't drive", for educational and publicity purposes. 
The Mobile BTC is undergoing a three-month trial in New Territories North until March next year, after which consideration will be given to trial in other Regions.
Meanwhile, all the 41 police stations in land Regions have been equipped with an EBT device to further shorten the time gap between a Screening Breath Test and an EBT.
According to Chief Superintendent (Traffic) Paul Stripp, TBHQ's enhanced measures will strengthen the Force's capability to combat drink driving and enforce the three-tier penalty system under anti-drink driving law.
Officers give a demonstration at the Breath Test Centre
Officers give a demonstration at the Breath Test Centre