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Police Adventure Club (PAC) held its 37th Mountain Marathon on Hong Kong Island from December 7 to 8, attracting a total of 182 participants from 91 teams for four categories, namely open, senior, female and experience.
The competition started at the Traffic Headquarters of Hong Kong Island Region, with  the participants carrying different items, including tent, food, cooking utensils and water.
After a strenuous day, the participants spent a night at a campsite in the football pitch of the Ma Hang Prison. The next day, they overcame the Twins and Aberdeen Reservoir before reaching the finish point at the Foundation Training Centre of Police College.
The Chairman of the Police Sports Council, Assistant Commissioner Li Kin-fai, and the Honorary Chairman, Mr Zai Tah-lam, presented prizes to the winners. Mr Li was delighted with the  response to the event and thanked the organising committee and working staff.
The PAC will organise different adventure activities and welcomes participation by Force members and their families.