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Third Annual Orientation and Information Day of the Marine Police Mentorship Programme (MPMP) took place at Police College on November 30, with Marine Regional Commander Chiu Wai-yin as officiating guest.
The Head Mentor, Superintendent Joseph Li, and the Deputy Head Mentor, Chief Inspector Law Ka-hong, together with mentors and mentees, as well as representatives of outside organisations participating in the MPMP, enjoyed a day out. The MPMP aims at identifying and attracting potential young candidates with enthusiasm and passion in maritime work to join the Force and serve in Marine Region.
In her speech, Ms Chiu expressed appreciation for the efforts and contributions of mentors, mentees and staff of the participating organisations. So far, more than 100 mentees from Hong Kong Sea School, Maritime Services Training Institute, Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps, Sea Ranger Unit of Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and 10 local tertiary educational institutions have participated with encouraging results. Six mentees have completed PI foundation training, with two of them now working in Marine Region.  Three other mentees have been recruited as police constable.  
Recruit Police Constable Yan Chun-wai, now receiving foundation training in Police College, thanked his mentors for their guidance, and pointed out that the MPMP had broadened his horizons and enhanced his self-confidence. He hopes his success would help other mentees fulfil their wish of becoming a Marine Police officer.
The mentees always keep their physical fitness at top form
The mentees always keep their physical fitness at top form