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Since November 2011, Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) has been running the "Operation Retriever" project with the concept of "early intervention and harm reduction" to address juvenile delinquency. 
In the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme this year, the project has won a team Silver Award in the Specialised Service Category.  Subsequently, Civil Service Bureau invited the project team to take part in a "School Promotional Campaign" and introduce the goals and work of the project to students, especially matters involving youths at risk.  
"Operation Retriever" deals with youngsters and current issues such as "hidden young drug addicts" and "compensated dating involving teenage girls". The first programme of the "School Promotional Campaign" took place in a secondary school on November 20 when Chief Inspector Yu Hoi-kwan and Inspector Hung Cheuk-fai conducted a seminar for 250 Form 2 and 3 students. The officers spoke on youth issues, operation of "Operation Retriever", and their experiences of handling juvenile delinquency. Representatives from Civil Service Bureau and Education Bureau were also present at the seminar.
The seminar also aimed at promoting the messages of fighting crime by emphasising the social responsibilities of the youngsters. It helped the students know more about the common offences committed by the youth at risk and the causes of the offences.
The seminar drew a good response from school principals, teachers and students. Encouraged by the success of the seminar, YTDIST will offer more seminars in a number of schools in the District.