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Police Tactical Unit (PTU) Headquarters continued supporting a charity event, "Operation Santa Claus 2013", on December 4 in line with its fine tradition over the years. This year, contributions came from Regional Tier I Companies, including resident PTU Companies, Emergency Units and the Quick Reaction Force. Operations Wing units, including Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit and Operations Bureau, also helped boost donations.
Six events took place in a contest following an opening address by PTU Deputy Commandant Ip Chi-keung. The four participating units came from PTU Headquarters, Special Duties Unit, and the under-training PTU Yankee and Zulu Company.
As it was the case last year, the sporting challenges started with the "Unimog Pull", which was followed by "Lucky Dart", "Special Transport Group", "Goal Shooting", "Recycled X'mas Trees" and "Redman Rumble" - all designed by different units in PTU Headquarters with a view to enhancing PTU spirit, teamwork and environmental awareness.
There were also sales of donated items, a charity buffet lunch and a photo-taking session to boost funds. As a result, over $120,000 was raised for charity.
The event culminated with Mr Ip presenting a cheque to a South China Morning Post representative.