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At the invitation of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Chief Inspector (CIP) Rohit Bhagat, Officer-in-Charge of Police Tactical Unit (PTU) "Echo" Company, gave a talk as a guest mentor to over 80 Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) students in EOC's "Uniquely Me!" youth development programme on November 16. EOC launched the programme in 2010 to provide opportunities for NEC youths to broaden their horizons.
CIP Bhagat spoke of how he grew up in Hong Kong and shared with the students his experience of being a police officer. The students showed a great interest in the talk and asked many questions ranging from taking on life challenges, adopting a police dog to joining the Force. 
CIP Bhagat commented that his participation in the programme gave him the satisfaction of being able "to pay something back to the community", and that he felt an affinity with the students' personal problems and aspirations.
EOC Chairman, Dr York Chow, also attended the talk and presented a souvenir to CIP Bhagat for his support for the EOC programme.
Many ethnic minority students attend CIP Bhagat's talk
Many ethnic minority students attend CIP Bhagat's talk