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Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) held a press conference at Police Headquarters on December 12 and presented the Traffic Overview from January to October 2013. The overview covered traffic accidents, enforcement statistics and introduction of new technology for traffic policing.

Conducting the press conference with Senior Superintendent (SSP) (Administration Traffic) Lee Kwok-chung and SSP (TMPB) Pang Shu-hung, Chief Superintendent (CSP) (Traffic) Paul Stripp reported that from January to October last year, traffic accident fatalities increased by five per cent from 96 to 101, but the fatalities involving cyclists decreased by 38 per cent from eight to five. The total number of traffic accident casualties dropped by 0.7 per cent from 16,910 to 16,796.

CSP Stripp went on to say that a number of publicity and enforcement operations had been mounted and a deterrent effect had been achieved since the new legislation on drug driving came into effect on March 15, 2012. In the battle against drink driving, 187 drivers were arrested for traffic accidents involving the offence from January to October last year, a decrease of 3 per cent compared with 192 in the same period of the previous year.

Speaking of application of new technology in traffic policing, SSP Lee introduced the Police Mobile Breath Test Centre and the TruCAM Laser Speed Detector as new measures to combat drink driving and speeding.  SSP Pang also introduced the Automatic Number Plate Recognition system for frontline officers to detect traffic offenders at large.

Officer demonstrates the function of the TruCAM Laser Speed Detector to combat speeding
Officer demonstrates the function of the TruCAM Laser Speed Detector to combat speeding
Officer gives a demonstration to the media at the new Police Mobile Breath Test Centre
Officer gives a demonstration to the media at the new Police Mobile Breath Test Centre