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In a bid to optimise usage of the Police Public Page (PPP) and attract more patronage, apart from frequent content updates, a redesigned index page of the PPP was rolled out on July 25 for further enhancing browsing experience.  
This new index page presents information in a more concise manner so as to make the key messages stand out and also allows users to obtain police information more easily at a glance. 
The auto-rolling banners on the top of the page have been modified, making the choices of page clearly seen. The message area and the "What's New" at the centre of the page have been combined into one single centre message area.  "Highlights in 2014" and "Press Release" have been added to the centre message area in addition to the original items. Moreover, to help users get the police contact numbers more easily, the small window containing links to Police Hotlines and addresses of police stations has been moved to the top right hand corner of the page.
In pursuance of the Strategic Direction of Engaging the Community, the Force makes optimal use of different platforms to enhance communication with the public, a good example being the PPP. It is hoped the latest web design would assist the users and further enhance the hit rate of the PPP so that police messages would reach out to the public more extensively.