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Yuen Long District (YLDIST) has organised a series of sports competitions for the mentees of "Project HIMALAYA" in a bid to foster the understanding and communication between the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) and local youths and help the NEC youths integrate into the community.
The competitions included a basketball match with the YLDIST basketball team, badminton matches with students of the Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College and YLDIST badminton team, and cricket matches with youths from the Yuen Long Town Hall Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities and Tuen Mun YMCA, all played in August. Through the competitions, the mentees have enhanced their leadership skills and esprit de corps. Their interaction with Police volunteers and their peers from schools and Non Government Organisations has also fostered mutual understanding, narrowed cultural gaps and promoted racial harmony.