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As more and more people are pursuing water sports, Marine East Division (MEDIV) recently staged the annual "Sai Kung Sea Safety Day". 
Marine Outer Water District Commander Bradley Wright, together with representatives from other government departments, declared the event open before over 200 guests from the yacht industry.
MEDIV officers demonstrated how to rescue a person who fell into the sea during a fire onboard a yacht, and arrange for the victim to be winched up to a helicopter during a joint departmental rescue demonstration. On display were the advanced equipment onboard police launch, Marine police officers' capability of making a swift response to emergencies and communicating and co-operating with other government departments.   
Apart from saving lives, curbing the abuse of illicit drugs on yachts is also one of Marine Police's operational priorities. Thus, MEDIV has continued to sign the "No Drugs Charter at Sea" with over 100 yacht owners, and secured their undertaking of not tolerating any drugs-taking onboard their boats.  Police dogs were also put through their paces in demonstrating how to detect illicit drugs. 
MEDIV's "Sea Safety Guarding Angels" team has invited the Senior Manager of the Health, Safety and Environment Office of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dr Li Chi-moon, the Chairman of Sai Kung District Council, Mr Ng Sze-fuk, Chairman of Sai Kung District Fight Crime Committee, Dr Lam Ching-choi, and 11 community leaders to offer professional advice on sea safety as Honorary Safety Advisers. 
Finally, MEDIV, Government Flying Service and Fire Services Department respectively displayed a fast patrol craft, a "dolphin" helicopter and a hydraulic platform and introduced their jobs and special equipment. 
MEDIV officers demonstrate how to arrange for an injured person to be winched up to a helicopter
MEDIV officers demonstrate how to arrange for an injured person to be winched up to a helicopter
MEDIV sets up booth to introduce ''Sea Safety Guarding Angels''
MEDIV sets up booth to introduce ''Sea Safety Guarding Angels''