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Deputy Commissioner (Management) Chau Kwok-leung, Director of Finance, Administration and Planning Ip Man-fai and Police Civil Secretary Leung Ho-yin met more than 20 representatives from seven civilian staff associations at a luncheon meeting on May 27.
The representatives included the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and executive committee members of the Association of Police Translators, Association of Police Communications Officers, Hong Kong Traffic Wardens Union, HKSAR Government Traffic Wardens General Union, HKPF Telecommunications Technical Staff Union, HKPF Model Scale I Staff Association and HKPF Civilian Officers' Union.  They exchanged with the management their views on the developments of their grades and matters of concern to their members.
Mr Chau said that despite the ever-increasing challenges and heavy workload ahead, he believed Force members would work together to tackle difficult situations with professionalism, restraint and impartiality.  He also hoped the civilian staff associations would continue to maintain a close dialogue with the management so that both sides would understand each other's needs and expectations, and would provide quality services for the public.


DCP MAN meets some of the civilian staff association representatives
DCP MAN meets some of the civilian staff association representatives