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Support Wing and Emergency Unit Kowloon West (EU KW) jointly offered a Body Worn Video Camera (BWVC) Experience Sharing Workshop on May 20 and 27 for commanding officers from operational units and formations, who are involved in the BWVC Field Trial. 
The workshop aimed at assisting the commanders in encouraging their frontline officers to appreciate the benefits of using the BWVC in their daily work, attracting over 50 commanders at Superintendent and Chief Inspector ranks. The workshop covered usage of the BWVC under the existing legislation and Force orders and matters of interest to the commander. EU KW Senior Inspector (SIP) Wong Yuet-chi also spoke on EU KW's usage of the BWVC in handling late-night violence, crimes and public events. 
The BWVC has been introduced for enhancing operational efficiency and evidence-gathering capability, defusing unnecessary confrontations and avoiding malicious complaint.
Support Wing SIP Ling Tsz-kit explains BWVC operation procedures to frontline commanders
Support Wing SIP Ling Tsz-kit explains BWVC operation procedures to frontline commanders