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HKI Region
The family of an elderly man located on a hill slope by the police after a large-scale search presented banners of thanks to officers of Hong Kong Island (HKI) Region on May 28. 

On April 4, an 83-year-old man suffering from dementia left home alone and later called to tell his family that he lost his way after alighting from a bus in Southern District and he was unable to tell where he was.  Soon, contact with the man was lost.
Upon receiving a report, the Patrol Sub-unit of Aberdeen Division mounted a search. Later, the Regional Missing Person Unit, Police Tactical Unit (PTU), Regional Rural Patrol Unit and Police Dog Unit of Hong Kong Island joined the search alongside the Government Flying Service and Civil Aid Service. A temporary Command and Co-ordination Centre was set up for co-ordinating the extensive rural search operation. 
As a result of the efforts and perseverance of participating units, the police found some of the old man’s personal belongings near Repulse Bay Road on April 6. As the man might have slipped and fallen down a hill and was trapped, the police sought assistance from Fire Services Department and Civil Aid Service in searching the hillside.  The man was subsequently located at the bottom of a 50-metre slope. Though being weak and sustaining multiple injuries, he was still conscious.   
As a token of their gratitude and appreciation, the missing person’s family presented banners to the units that had participated in the search operation. The banners were accepted by Superintendent Peter Whitton of Operations HKI and PTU E Coy Commander Chan Sze-tat.  
Two Kwun Tong District Councillors, Mr Chan Chun-kit and Mr Ngan Man-yu, joined the Senior Officer of Windshield Charitable Foundation Social Services, Mr Lee Ka-kin, in calling at Sau Mau Ping Police Station on June 10 and presenting tapestry banners to Sau Mau Ping District (SMPDIST) and Ngau Tau Kok Division (NTKDIV) for cracking cases of breaking into the offices of a councillor and a non-governmental organisation, and damaging a councillor’s publicity banners. They also thanked SMPDIST for providing a safe environment for residents.  
Receiving the banners were SMPDIST Chief Inspector (Crime) Wong Man-fat, Officer-in Charge of District Crime Squad 1 SMPDIST Cheung Chi-kong, Operations Support Sub-unit Commander of NTKDIV Leung Tsz-pan, and Station Sergeant Kong Kim-kwan of Anti-Crime Team NTKDIV.