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Retired and serving police officers were among the blood donors commended at Hong Kong Red Cross Annual Donor Award Ceremony on June 14, which was held to mark the World Blood Donor Day. 
Among the Force blood donors, retired Senior Police Constable (SPC) Lee Kam-keung has chalked up over 550 blood donations, including whole blood and aphaeresis donations, earning for himself the honour of being a Hong Kong record holder. He was interviewed by OffBeat back in 2013 on his voluntary services. SPC Lee said he would continue to donate blood as long as he is in good health.
New Territories North Regional Commander Kwok Ho-fai and SPC Chang Yee-ching of Mong Kok District, both having coutributed over 50 blood donations, were also commended at the ceremony.
For Mr Kwok, "a little pain" in the arm is "trivial" compared with the assistance to those in need of blood. 
SPC Chang has been a regular blood donor since 1984, except during pregnancy. She was accompanied by her husband at the ceremony, a retired police officer, who has had over 75 donations to his credit.
The Force donors shared the view that blood donation not only helps others, but also benefits the donors themselves as it enhances their bodies' metabolism process. They called on Force members to join the rank of blood donors.
The Force supports Hong Kong Red Cross by inviting its blood transfusion service team to arrange Blood Donation Day and over 1 000 Force members are participating in the event on an annual basis.  
Mr Kwok (right) and SPC Chang at the award ceremony
Mr Kwok (right) and SPC Chang at the award ceremony