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Engaging the Non-ethnic-Chinese (NEC) community is an ongoing operational priority of the Force. The last two months saw different police districts/divisions comply with the priority by offering the NEC community different activities to cater for their needs.

KCDIST Chinese language course
Kowloon City District (KCDIST), in conjunction with Caritas Kowloon Community Centre (CKCC) and Kowloon Chamber of Commerce (KCC), held the graduation ceremony of the 5th Phase of the "NEC Youths - Star Making Project" on May 23.
Officiating at the ceremony were KCDIST Police Community Relations Officer Lam Suk-man, Vice-chairman of KCC, Mr Yuen Ka-lok, Vice-chairman of CKCC Advisory Committee, Mr Lui Hon-fai, and the Social Work Supervisor of CKCC, Mr Lay Yan-piau.
To show their improvement in Chinese language as result of the project, two students performed the roles of Master of Ceremony in fluent Cantonese, while other students performed story telling and solo-verse speaking in the same dialect.
The 5th Phase of the project, comprising 16 lessons, ran from January to May with the aim of helping 20 NEC students attain a higher level of Chinese language proficiency, integrate with the community and join the civil service. KCDIST had also encouraged them to join the Junior Police Call to  understand police work better.
NEC Association praises YLDIST volunteers
A four-lesson Cantonese course jointly offered by Yuen Long District (YLDIST) and the Akunne African Association came to a conclusion last month. From the course, the African participants not only learned Cantonese but also came to know more about Chinese cultures and local traditions, helping them to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding with the locals.
In the last lesson, YLDIST Deputy District Commander Kerry Carew presented certificates to the African participants and encouraged them to integrate with the locals. As a token of its gratitude to the police, the Akunne African Association presented appreciation letters to Mr Carew and police volunteers.
A course tutor, Police Constable Wan Ka-leung, said the course helped promote cultural exchanges and mutual understanding, adding that the participants were eager to learn and managed to master some simple Cantonese.
NEC students visit TSTDIV Station
With the arrangement made by Patrol Sub-unit 3 of Tsim Sha Tsui Division (TSTDIV), the students and teachers from the Delia Memorial School (Broadway) visited Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station on June 3.
Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) Commander Kwok Pak-chung was on hand to welcome the students, and NEC officers from YTDIST's Project Gemstone met the youngsters in a sharing session. During the visit, officers took the students on a guided tour of the station, and introduced police accoutrements, daily work and entry requirements. The students also watched a demonstration given by Police Dog Unit.
Following the visit, over half of the students applied for joining Project Gemstone, which aims at assisting NEC youths in integrating into the community and promoting better understanding of police work and the Force's image.
MSDIV promotes sea safety
With summer being around the corner, Marine South Division (MSDIV) joined forces with YTDIST in promoting sea safety to NEC students on June 6.
The MSDIV Sea Safety Team - "Southern Cross" - offered a sea safety talk to members of Project Gemstone in Marine Police Aberdeen Base and introduced the safety measures for water sports and the correct ways to put on lifejacket. "Southern Cross" officers also demonstrated the functions of the Paraguard Excel Rescue Stretcher.
The NEC students were thankful to MSDIV for beefing up their knowledge of sea safety.
Visit to Police Museum
Arranged by Police Community Relations Office Wan Chai District, 45 NEC students from Po Kok Primary School visited Police Museum on June 12, taking a close look at the 600 exhibits in four galleries, showing a great interest in the Force's history, and getting a better idea of police work.