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The Deputy Director-General of Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department and Director of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, Mr Ye Hanbing, led an 11-member delegation to visit the Force between September 13 and 17. Mr Ye also paid a courtesy call on Commissioner Lo Wai-chung.

The G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou next year. For preparing the event, the delegation shared with the Force experiences in security arrangements for large-scale international events and the mechanism for handling contingencies.

The delegation visited Headquarters Command and Control Centre, Key Points and Search Division, Counter Terrorism and Internal Security Division, Police Dog Unit and Police Tactical Unit Training School.

During the visit, Operations Wing briefed the delegation on the functional divisions of formations in security arrangements for large-scale international events, while the Key Points and Search Division demonstrated use of security equipment.

Moreover, the Police Tactical Unit Training School introduced the tactics and deployments for large-scale crowd management operations and elaborated on the ways to handle contingencies, large-scale events and the expectations of different stakeholders.

Visit to Police Tactical Unit
Visit to Police Tactical Unit