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After Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) visited the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) Shanghai Branch in March this year, a CSRC delegation, led by the Deputy Director-General (International) of CSRC, Miss Lu Jiahong, and three Deputy Directors, accompanied by Miss Gao Xiaozhen, Head of Mainland Affairs, and Mr Jimmy Chan, Director of Enforcement, both from the Hong Kong Securities & Futures Commission (SFC), paid a reciprocal visit to CCB on September 16.

The visit saw detailed discussions on many issues, including "the opportunities and challenges of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect" and "the co-operation between CSRC and SFC". The discussions also enhanced the mutual understanding and co-operation.

CSRC members with CCB officers
CSRC members with CCB officers