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The Police Mentorship Programme Alumni (PMPA) hosted a "Saturday Curry Gathering" on September 19 for about 30 members, most of them being non-Force members working in various fields.

Whilst savouring delicious curry lunch in a relaxing atmosphere, the PMPA members learned more about the Force and shared their working experiences and personal anecdotes. PMPA Chairman, Terence Mak, gave an update on the development of the PMPA, while PMPA Vice-chairlady, Sally Tsui, spoke of her pursuit of ceramic making and work-life balance. Other sharing by the members included the experience of being a product endorser of a sport brand and helping children get out of misery after the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2009.

The lunch gathering received positive feedback from the members. They are looking forward to more PMPA activities. Those wishing to join the PMPA may browse http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/15_recruit/pmpa_form.html.

Three PMPA members are presented with ceramic works
Three PMPA members are presented with ceramic works