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Western District (WDIST), Southern District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) and Southern District Healthy and Safe Association joined hands in staging a fight-crime publicity event at Wah Fu Estate on September 12 to remind Southern District residents to pay more attention to phone scams, sexual abuse, theft and drug abuse.

Officiating at the ceremony were WDIST Commander Choy Wise, Assistant District Officer of Southern District Office, Miss Tse Nga-lap, Chairman of Southern District Council, Mr Chu Ching-hong, Vice-chairman, Mr Chan Fu-ming, Chairman of Southern DFCC, Mr Leung Ho-kwan, Vice-chairman, Dr Chan Yuk-kit, Chairman of Working Group of Southern District Healthy and Safe Association, Mr Yeung Wai-foon, and Vice -chairman of Southern District Junior Police Call Honorary Presidents Council, Mr Wong Ling-sun. Members of Southern DFCC and area committees and over 50 Evergreen Ambassadors from Senior Police Call WDIST were on hand to support the event. After the ceremony, the guests distributed crime prevention fliers and souvenirs to the residents.