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Lantau District (LTDIST) ran a  "Youth Career Development Programme " between June and September for both local and Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) youths. LTDIST hopes that the project would, with site visits and sharing of experiences with employees, help the participants understand better their interests, abilities and career paths as well as the job market.

The organisations and department that had joined the project include Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Hong Kong Airlines, Aviation Security Company, Cathay Pacific and Labour Department, while the participating disciplined services are Fire Services Department and the Force. Through visits to those organisations, the participants learned more about their entry requirements, working environments, organisation structures and daily operations.

LTDIST also liaised with Labour Department to arrange career talks for the participants to give an update on the job market situation and help them improve their skills of attending job interviews.

The trainees have a better idea of the local job market
The trainees have a better idea of the local job market