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Wong Tai Sin District (WTSDIST) launched an anti-drug project known as  "Drug Free and Be Myself" on September 18, targeting at youths and juveniles.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, WTSDIST Commander Chau Cho-kei stressed that the police were very concerned about the increasingly hidden nature of drug abuse and WTSDIST would continue to adopt a multi-pronged strategy to tackle the drug problem and step up publicity so that different sectors of the community would work closely with the police to fight drugs abuse. He also appealed to young people to remain vigilant and resolute in face of drug temptations to live a drug free life.

At the ceremony, the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong performed a musical drama to remind young people not to succumb to temptations by their peers to experience drugs. The actors, who are former drug rehabilitants, shared their own stories, hoping youths would resist drug temptations.

The  "Drug Free and Be Myself" project aims to strengthen youngsters' confidence and enhance their intellectual skills. The participants of the project will get updated drug information and participate in workshops and training.

There is a big support for the event
There is a big support for the event