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'Meet a Commissioner Rank Officer' Series starts with a bang

For officers to learn and interact directly, in an informal manner, with senior commanders, Police College has recently inaugurated a new learning series known as "Meet a Commissioner Rank Officer" (MACRO) under the banner of Force Knowledge Management (KM).

The first session of the MACRO series took place on August 21 with Regional Commander New Territories South Region (NTS) Lui Hon-kwok as guest speaker and Police College Deputy Director and Chief Knowledge Champion Dr Eric Cheng as facilitator. The session was well received by about 70 participants.

Mr Lui shared his management philosophies of how to motivate subordinates to improve work productivity, keep abreast of the changing crimes in NTS and work closely with other government departments. He also told his own real-life stories in a humourous way, much to the enjoyment of the audience. Feedback from the audience was positive in terms of leadership skills and policing knowledge in NTS context.

Good response to two Knowledge Cafe sessions

Meanwhile, the latest two sessions of Knowledge Cafe on the topics of "Tips on Liaison Protocol and INTERPOL tools" and "I want to be an Inspector" were held on August 6 and September 1 respectively.

Superintendent Kung Hing-fun and her team from Liaison Bureau conducted the session on "Tips on Liaison Protocol and INTERPOL tools" in a restaurant. The session demonstrated some "unspoken manners" and techniques on guest reception and introduced various INTERPOL tools and services.

The session on "I want to be an Inspector" attracted a full house of 200 officers with Chief Superintendent Siu Chak-yee and his team from Recruitment Division as speakers. They briefed the audience on the latest situation of recruitment of inspectors and the common mistakes made during interviews.

Response to both sessions was overwhelming with many officers raising questions and exchanging personal experiences and views.

Mr Lui (right) speaks at the first session of the MACRO series
Mr Lui (right) speaks at the first session of the MACRO series