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Dear Sir,

I am writing to deliver my whole-hearted thanks to the party of officers of Patrol Subunit One, Central District for their prompt and professional actions in connection with a case of "Person Collapsed" on 26 August 2015.

I was having a dinner gathering at a restaurant in Central that evening with some friends including Mr Wong (the collapsed person). When we were about to leave the restaurant at around 22:05 hours, Mr Wong got up from his seat and, without any prior signs, he collapsed and fell onto the floor. He was frothing and with no breathing or pulse. His face turned black which was a possible sign of an acute heart attack. We requested staff members of the restaurant to make a 999 call. In response to the 999 call, PC 14761 and PC 18571 arrived shortly within minutes. On seeing the condition of Mr Wong, PC 14761 applied cardiopulmonary resuscitation without hesitation until the arrival of the ambulance crew. After defibrillation by the ambulance crew, Mr Wong, being escorted by PC 18571, was rushed to Queen Mary Hospital for further treatment.

Mr Wong has regained consciousness and is now put under medical treatments pending follow-up surgeries. I must say Mr Wong might not be able to survive without the timely professional cardiopulmonary resuscitation given by PC 14761.

Police Inspector Kam Tsz-ho, Sergeant Chau Fan-ming and Sergeant Mok Tao-ki all deserve utmost applause for the systematic handling of the scene. Without their dedication and professionalism, there might be severe hold-ups and delays in getting the right move at the right moment.

Last but not least, both Sergeant 54048 and PC 15163 had contributed a lot in conducting enquires at the scene. They possess very good forensic knowledge in the elimination of possible suspicious element. They were very detailed in documenting all evidence by notes or photographs.

In all, I must say I am very impressed by the high calibre of team spirit and professionalism of Patrol Subunit One. I am sure Mr Wong would definitely share my views and express similarly if he is physically fit to do so.

Best Regards,

Miss Shum

(Editor's note: the officers praised in this letter are CDIST PSU 1 IP Kam Tsz-ho, SSGT Chau Fan-ming, SSGT Mok Tao-ki, SGT Wong Chi-yin, PCs Lam Ho-pui, Ip Man-ho and Wong Hok-sing.)

● English Version Only