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Tuen Mun District (TMDIST), Tuen Mun District Fight Crime Committee (TM DFCC) and Lingnan University organised a "Tuen Mun Fight Crime Street Running Programme" and offered five training sessions under the programme in the summer vacation.

To encourage the trainee students, TMDIST Deputy District Commander Ko Kim-fung turned up at a training session on August 11 and, together with coaches and police volunteers, led a party of over 30 students in a run from Tang Shiu Kin Sports Field to Tuen Mun Police Station. DFCC Chairman, Mr Lee Hung-sham, and DFCC members also set up stations in Tuen Mun Police Station to provide the students with cold drinks and watermelons.

Ko Kim-fung turns up at a training session
Ko Kim-fung turns up at a training session