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The Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) 2014/15 Closing Ceremony cum 2015/16 Job Attachment (JA) Programme Presentation Ceremony took place at Police Headquarters on September 30, with more than 100 mentors, mentees and project officers in attendance.

The representatives from all participating local universities and tertiary institutions also attended the ceremony to share a memorable occasion with the mentees. The Guest-of-Honour was Director of Personnel and Training Au Chi-kwong.

In the year of 2014/15, all mentees took part in many activities organised by their mentors, such as Summer Day Camp and Police College passing-out parade. Mr Au encouraged the mentees to uphold the positive value and make good use of the experiences they had gained from the PMP.

Over 90 mentees of 2015/16 participated in the JA Programme during the summer holiday. Upon completion of the attachment programme, each mentee submitted a work report on their projects. Last month, a judging panel comprising representatives from different institutions was formed to select 10 most outstanding assignments. At the ceremony, the top three finalists presented their projects before a judging panel formed by Mr Au, Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Lau Chi-wai, Head Mentor and Director of Police College Paul Lau, Chief Superintendent (Human Resources) Siu Chak-yee and Senior Superintendent (Human Resources) Lam Chi-ming.

The presentations were impressive with golden, silver and bronze awards going to Tse Pui-yee (from Chinese University of Hong Kong), Wong Yee-ting (from Hong Kong Institute of Education) and Tsang Chi-hin (from Lingnan University) respectively.

The ceremony concluded with the demonstration of a video clip produced by the mentees, carrying a speech given by the Head Mentor, Mr Lau, calling on all mentees to play an active role in all upcoming PMP activities. He also urged them to get well equipped for serving the community or the Force.

Judging panel and presentation awardees
Judging panel and presentation awardees