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New Territories North (NTN) Region hosted an inter-departmental exercise, "EARTHHELPER 2015", in Sha Tau Kok Division (STKDIV) and Tai Po Division on October 6. Co-ordinated by Police Tactical Unit (PTU) NTN, the exercise sought to enhance multi-departmental response to illegal immigrants (IIs) landing and smuggling activities along NTN's coastline.

The exercise simulated a syndicate transporting IIs and smuggling illegal goods into the area. Upon receiving information, PTU NTN, Emergency Unit NTN, Quick Reaction Force, STKDIV and Marine North Division as well as Government Flying Service rushed to the scene, set up a cordon area and carried out a sweep operation.

A sidelight of the exercise was the fact that officers came across real IIs in the exercise area. They immediately mounted a real operation and arrested 13 IIs.

The exercise concluded successfully with the dedicated efforts of all the players and NTN Region will conduct a comprehensive evaluation with the parties concerned.

NTN hosts an inter-departmental exercise to enhance multi-departmental response to lls
NTN hosts an inter-departmental exercise to enhance multi-departmental response to lls