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In a bid to promote interaction between the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) community and the police, Kwun Tong District (KTDIST) arranged a tour of Tseung Kwan O Police Station for young members of the Tseung Kwan O Islamic Association on September 17. During the visit, KTDIST Police Community Relations Officer Chan Shuk-kwan and Pakistani Police Community Liaison Assistant Ajaz Khan briefed the 20 visitors on the accoutrements and facilities of the police station and introduced the functions of the report room, detention cell and identification parade room.

Showing a great interest in officers' daily chores, the youngsters raised many questions, the answers to which helped enhance mutual understanding. The Imam of the Islamic Association thanked KTDIST for arranging the visit, and pledged to support the police in fighting and preventing crime.

NEC youths pay a visit to Tseung Kwan O Police Station
NEC youths pay a visit to Tseung Kwan O Police Station