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The 10th "Symposium on Police Studies of the Straits cum Hong Kong and Macao" was held in Taiwan between October 12 and 14, bringing together over 200 police officers, experts and academics from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. It is an annual event with the four jurisdictions taking turns to play the roles of a host.

Among the participants were 28 delegates from Hong Kong, comprising representatives of Police College, authors of selected papers, staff association representatives and immigration officers.

The theme of the symposium was "The Combat and Policing Co-operation against Emerging Cross-boundary Crimes". This year, a large number of papers were received by the symposium. Hong Kong submitted a record of 22 papers, of which eight were selected for publication in the symposium's journal, together with those selected from the other three jurisdictions, while five out of the eight papers were selected for presentation at the symposium.

The presented papers covered a wide range of topics, including cross-boundary cyber crimes, telephone deception, big data of police work and training, as well as counter-terrorism. The participants did not only deliberate on the effective means to combat and prevent the emerging cross-boundary crimes and enhancement of co-operation among the four jurisdictions, but also shared experiences of, and challenges to, law enforcement.

The symposium provided a good platform for the participants to learn from another's best practices and knowledge.