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In a bid to enhance ties with District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) and District Officer (DO), Kowloon East (KE) Regional Commander Duncan McCosh hosted an information sharing reception on September 21 for 80 DFCC members and DOs from Wong Tai Sin, Sai Kung, Kwun Tong and Kowloon City.

Speaking at the session, Mr McCosh stressed that KE Region had all along maintained close liaison with DFCCs and other stakeholders in formulating strategies to prevent and combat crime, besides launching a series of tailor-made projects and activities.  The projects include "Operation CAPESTONE", "No Drug Beloved by Everyone", "Project Embrace" for youth, "Project Harmonious Pyramid" for Non-ethnic Chinese, Senior Police Call and "Fight Crime Ambassador" project for elderly.

Mr McCosh also took the opportunity to present awards to nine good citizens who had helped the police fight crime. Thanking his guests for supporting prevention and detection of crime, he emphasised that the police would step up co-operation with DFCC members and DOs.

Following Mr McCosh's speech, officers from Crime KE, Operations KE and Traffic KE briefed the guests on their jobs and developments.

Mr McCosh welcomes a large gathering of guests
Mr McCosh welcomes a large gathering of guests