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The Stores Management Division (SMD) arranged a seminar on "Police Stores Services" at Police Headquarters on October 27 with Superintendent (Stores Management) Harbour Chan briefing about 300 officers on the value-added services being provided by Police Stores, operations of the Uniform and Accoutrements Committee and store matters.

The value-added services being provided by Police Stores are:

Police Stores Delivery Service

It is a one-stop service from delivery of uniform and accoutrement (U&A), general stores and stationery stores to collecting old uniforms.

To enhance the delivery service, Police Stores has increased delivery locations at the requests of formations and sections, with delivery locations increased to 194 in 2015 from 81 in 2013.

Ad Hoc Collection Service

It caters for officers' urgent needs of U&A items. Application for such service is simple and officers are only required to fill in a simple form and then fax or email it to Police Stores with reasons provided. Upon receipt of an ad hoc service request, Police Stores will make a reply within two working days.

Logistics Support for Large-scale Public Events

Police Stores provides logistics support to large-scale public events, offering a round-the-clock service.

Arrangement of Uniform Fitting Days for Promotees

Upon receipt of a list of promotees from the Promotions Unit of Personnel Wing, Police Stores will immediately inform the promotees of the uniform fitting days and the time slot for measurement and trying out uniforms.

Creation of Mini Stores

There are four mini stores set up in user sites, namely Police Tactical Unit, Police College, Marine Headquarters and Auxiliary Police. With the mini stores, users can store U&A items for urgent issues.