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The Hong Kong Police (HKP) Facebook page made its debut on October 5. By December 4, the page had issued over 70 posts that were primarily related to crime prevention, road safety and case appeals. The page also recorded over 52 000 "likes".

HKP Facebook page reached out to over 2.1 million people in its first month of promulgation. In November, about 120 000 Facebook users interacted with the page via "like", "share", "comment" and "click to post". Posts using a soft approach to convey police messages, like Police Recruitment Day, crime prevention videos and police dog series, were more popular with netizens.

Superintendent (SP) Tse Chun-chung of the Media Liaison and Communication Division of Police Public Relations Branch said that comparing with conventional publicity media, the HKP Facebook page is more effective in reaching out to the youth on the Internet. He added that his section would take public preferences into consideration when developing new posts.

In addition to the public response, Force members' support is equally important. The "Creative Media Communicator", a team comprising volunteer officers from the Force, was established in October this year for development of the page contents. The Force also encourages officers to visit and share posts on HKP Facebook page so as to get updated on the development of the Force's social media strategy.

HKP Facebook page has a good start
HKP Facebook page has a good start