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The Senior Directorate Group members and Police College staff met the Honorary College Advisors in an annual gathering cum presentation ceremony to show appreciation of their services and strengthen liaison on December 7. At the ceremony, Commissioner Lo Wai-chung expressed his gratitude for their valuable services and presented certificates of appointment to both new and re-appointed Advisors.

The new Advisors are Prof Hau Kit-tai, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and currently the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology at CUHK, Mr Peter Morgan, former Assistant Commissioner of Police, and Dr Tsui Pui-wang, former Police Clinical Psychologist and currently Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Hong Kong. With the appointment of the three new Advisors, Police College is benefiting from the services of a total of 22 Advisors.

Since 2006, the Force has been appointing academia, professionals and retired senior police officers as Honorary College Advisors. Over the years, the Advisors have made significant contributions by giving advice on police training and development of the organisational learning capability of the Force as well as by sharing their expertise and experiences at training forums, Knowledge Management activities and other functions of Police College.

Mr Lo (centre, front row), Senior Directorate Group members and Police College staff with the new and re-appointed Honorary College Advisors
Mr Lo (centre, front row), Senior Directorate Group members and Police College staff with the new and re-appointed Honorary College Advisors