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The Road Safety Council (RSC) held a 42nd Anniversary Ceremony cum Anti-drink Driving, Anti-drug Driving and Driving Attentively Road Safety Campaign on November 27.

Speaking at the ceremony, the RSC Chairman, Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Wong Chi-hung, pointed out that traffic accidents were mainly caused by negligence on the part of drivers and pedestrians, thus the RSC would continue to mount publicity campaigns to deal with drink driving and drug driving, and to promote cycling safety, elderly pedestrian safety and attentive driving.

This year, the council had launched a series of new TV and radio Announcements in the Public Interest as well as posters and leaflets carrying the theme: "Driving Attentively and Pedestrians' Attentive Use of Roads", in addition to a cycling safety campaign and display of giant promotional banners at footbridges.

Mr Wong took the opportunity to express his heartfelt gratitude to RSC members and their strategic partners for their contributions and support. He appealed to the public to join hands for achieving the vision of "Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal".

Other officiating guests at the ceremony included Assistant Commissioner (Technical Service) of Transport Department, a member of the Road Safety Research Committee, Mr Leung Tak-fai, and the Chairman of the Road Safety Campaign Committee, Dr Eric Cheng.