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To help the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) integrate with the local community, Eastern District (EDIST) arranged an inter-departmental meeting with NEC community leaders on November 25 to discuss matters of concern to the leaders.

EDIST Deputy District Commander Ip Chi-keung chaired the meeting for school principals, NEC leaders, officers from Social Welfare Department, Labour Department, Home Affairs Department and Equal Opportunities Commission as well as representatives from non-governmental organisations. The NEC leaders appreciated EDIST's efforts to lay on the meeting for providing a platform for the stakeholders to discuss matters affecting the NEC community.

Visit to Cathay City

Meanwhile, 30 NEC Community Ambassadors and Junior Police Call members visited Cathay City on November 28, getting a good idea of the duties of flight crew and information of the airport. They found the visit useful for their career planning.

Visit to Cathay City
Visit to Cathay City