
1 Photo

The Police Tactical Unit "Charlie" Company New Territories North (PTU C COY NTN) was busy in October promoting Integrity Management (IM) with a photo contest and a football competition.

The photo contest drew a good response and the winners have received award certificates from the Commander of PTU C COY Wong Kwok-kei and PTU C COY Second In-Charge Yeung Ming-hang.

PTU C COY arranged an IM Football Competition for Operations (OPS) NTN on October 28, attracting teams fielded by C COY, Emergency Unit (EU) NTN, Quick Reaction Force NTN and OPS Headquarters.

Following four rounds of contest, C COY won the title, followed by EU NTN and OPS Headquarters as first and second runners-up respectively. Senior Superintendent OPS NTN Dave Jordan presented certificates and trophies.

IM photo contest prize presentation
IM photo contest prize presentation